Dear readers,
I am happy and a little anxious to announce a 112 page book entitled 365 Quote Quest. It is a compilation of my first 365 posts from 2010 where I offer a daily quotation and about three questions for reflection.
I consider them meditation nuggets.
For example, from January 1, 2010:
How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. ~ Annie Dillard
- What generalizations can you make about your daily activities, attitudes, interests, and lifestyle?
- How happy are you with your daily regimen?
- What small steps can you make to enrich your days?
From December 31, 2010:
It is better to have loafed and lost than to have never loafed at all. ~ James Thurber
- Besides 'it's better to have loved and lost...' how much loafing do you do?
- Why is some loafing a good thing?
- How can you resolve for the new year to create a healthy balance between work and play?
I am also giving a free copy to the first 5 people who request one through an email. paulhco(at)gmail(dot)com
As a footnote, some of you may want to know how I self published my book. I used Create Space, a division of Amazon, and went through their easy step by step process. I created a cover, and submitted a desk top published PDF file. All of this is done for FREE.
I kept the price of the book low at $5.95 a little above cost. My intention is not to make money but to provide a convenient little reference book for anyone interested.
Any positive endorsement is much appreciated.
365 Quote Quest is available at Amazon.