Friday, February 18, 2011

E-news over Paper?

The online news experience is gaining momentum. People are subscribing to less newspaper and reading more news over the internet. Consequently the look and feel of that experience is engaging more and more publishing talent. There is a fine line for publishers who want to continue to make money, but who do not want to annoy readers with too many distractions.

As I peruse a number of newspapers and magazines regularly, I am struck by the subtle diversity of the experience.

Here are several newspapers. What are your 'blink', most favourable experiences?

Some of the criteria affecting one's decision include:

- quickness of display and navigation to articles
- balance of advertisement to copy
- layout and design
- use of images
- organization and retrieval of information
- timeliness
- editorial content
- other?

Of course, the gold standard is intelligent, well researched, thorough, and balanced journalism.

New York Times

The Globe and Mail

The Australian

Los Angeles Times

The Guardian

The Washington Post


World News

The Huffington Post

And, there are many other great news websites...
