Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Largeness of our Lives

The tiny house movement is gaining momentum.

An excellent article analyzes the context of the decline in the interest of large homes in the U.S. The median size home has now shrunk from 2,300 square feet in 2007 to 2,100 today. And that's only the beginning.

A chief economist at the American Institute of Architects said, “We continue to move away from the McMansion chapter of residential design, with more demand for practicality throughout the home... That includes getting away from the myriad “bonus” rooms and focusing more on great rooms — large family rooms that can accommodate different uses and bring family together in communal spaces."

"All this is good news for the environment and for community, too. A focus on smaller homes in pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods means people are more likely to hang out in public spaces or at local businesses. Smaller houses have also meant smaller yards, which can result in more people visiting local parks or participating in community garden spaces. One couple who have more time to travel, visit with family and volunteer."

"There is a more enlightened idea of how much is enough and a more holistic view of wealth — one that does not merely reflect the size of our homes, but instead the largeness of our lives."

E.F. Schumacher of Small Is Beautiful fame wrote: “The less toil there is, the more time and strength is left for artistic creativity.”

Image: Tinyhouseblog