For many university graduates the next step is finding pivotal experience. One "hot area right now" is international development. CARE International, for example, recently received 600 applicants for one job at the aid agency.
At graduate recruitment conferences "it's no surprise there is a lot of discussion about the importance of narrowing your focus in a job search by targeting organizations which suit your skills and interests...and considering how "vital overseas field experience is."
At one event hosted by The Guardian a panel of speakers included representatives from:
- 2WayDevelopment:'developing through volunteering'
- VSO: 'the world's leading independent, international development charity'
- Restless Development: a youth-led development agency
- WSE: 'an organization that provides independent information and career advice to people who want to volunteer or work in international development'
- Skillshare International
One can understand why employers appreciate the depth and breadth of insight gained through international development experience.