'Our lives are a collection of stories, truths about who we are, what we believe, what we came from, how we struggle and how we are strong. When we can let go of what people think, and own our story, we gain access to our worthiness - the feeling that we are ENOUGH just as we are, and that we are worthy of love and belonging.' ~ Brene Brown
Brene Brown gives a wonderful 20 minute TED talk on 'The Power of Vulnerability.' With a PhD in sociology, Brown was educated to believe that everything is measurable. However, in her talks with hundreds of people about connections she realized there was a lot of shame and fear.
In order to achieve a sense of worthiness one needs to accept one's vulnerabilities and move on with courage and compassion. That challenging process involves showing authenticity, gratitude, belonging, and love through connection.
Brown says that this process of healing is a difficult one in a society which puts a high value on perfection, where we make the uncertain, certain. Inherent in life is struggle and letting ourselves be seen despite our shortcomings.
Brown's insightful research encourages one to think about our own stories and how we can overcome our fears to live lives of authenticity and caring.